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Effects of Overfishing: China’s Practices and Impacts on Latin America

Effects of Overfishing: China’s Practices and Impacts on Latin America

Overfishing occurs when fish are caught faster than they can reproduce, leading to declining fish populations and degraded ocean ecosystems. In recent decades, rampant overfishing – often driven by industrial fleets – has caused dramatic losses in marine life. A 2015 study found that ocean wildlife populations have dropped by 50% in the past half-century, and roughly 90% of global fish stocks are now fully exploited, overexploited, or depleted. This report examines the consequences of overfishing on the environment and coastal communities, with a special focus on China’s distant-water fishing practices and their impact on regions like Latin America. It also explores how illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing exacerbates the problem, provides case studies of Chinese overfishing in Latin American waters, and reviews efforts and solutions to promote sustainable fishing.

Environmental Consequences of Overfishing

Overfishing is one of the greatest threats to marine biodiversity, leading to declines or even collapse of fish populations and altering entire ecosystems. Iconic species have been severely depleted – for example, bluefin tuna stocks have plummeted and the once-abundant Grand Banks cod fishery collapsed due to decades of overfishing. When industrial fleets haul in huge catches, there are also “collateral impacts” on other marine life: each year, hundreds of thousands of non-target animals like marine mammals, seabirds, and sea turtles are caught (as bycatch) alongside tens of millions of sharks. Many of these species are endangered or protected, and some (such as the vaquita porpoise, certain sea turtles, and small endemic dolphins) are now on the brink of extinction.

Removing too many fish (especially top predators or key species) upsets the ocean’s food web balance. The loss of large predators can lead to an overabundance of smaller marine life, while overfishing of prey species deprives predators of food. For instance, conservationists note that intensive squid fishing off the Galápagos has deprived predators like fur seals and hammerhead sharks of their essential diet. In short, when too many fish are taken out, it creates an imbalance that can erode food webs and cause cascading effects, including the die-off of other vulnerable species (for example, corals smothered by algal overgrowth when herbivorous fish are removed).

Beyond the loss of individual species, chronic overfishing can transform whole ecosystems. Scientists have observed phenomena like “fishing down the food web,” where fisheries, after depleting large predator fish, move on to smaller species, fundamentally changing community structures. Coral reef ecosystems, for example, suffer when overfishing removes algae-eating fish – unchecked algae can overwhelm corals, degrading the reef habitat. In productive cold-water ecosystems, heavy fishing of forage fish (like sardines or anchovies) can starve seabirds and larger fish. Overall, marine biodiversity is experiencing rapid decline under fishing pressure, with one study warning that over one-third of all sharks, rays, and related species are now at risk of extinction primarily due to overfishing. These environmental impacts are not isolated; they undermine the resilience of ocean ecosystems and reduce the oceans’ ability to provide essential services, from food provision to carbon storage.

Economic and Social Impacts on Fishing Communities

The consequences of overfishing extend beyond ecology – they directly affect human communities, especially those in coastal regions who depend on the sea. As fish populations dwindle, local fishers must spend more time and effort to catch enough, or they return with empty nets. This threatens livelihoods and erodes the social fabric of traditional fishing villages. Globally, millions of people in developing coastal communities rely on fishing for jobs and income, and about half of the world’s population depends on fish as a major source of protein. When fisheries decline, these communities face not only economic hardship but also food insecurity, as a key part of their diet becomes scarce or unaffordable. The World Wildlife Fund notes that fish is one of the most highly traded food commodities, fueling a $362 billion global industry, so the stakes are high for many national economies as well.

In Latin America, coastal nations are already witnessing these impacts. Overfishing – much of it by foreign fleets – “robs developing nations of tens of billions of dollars annually,” depriving locals of income and governments of revenue. Local fishers from Ecuador to Argentina report that industrial ships (often from abroad) scoop up vast quantities of fish just outside or even inside their exclusive waters, leaving fewer fish for artisanal fishermen. This directly translates to lost earnings and jobs in coastal towns. For example, in Peru, the giant squid (Humboldt squid) fishery is the second most important in the country (after anchoveta), generating over $800 million a year and supporting thousands of jobs. But Peruvian fishermen have observed frequent incursions by foreign (largely Chinese) squid fleets just outside and sometimes inside Peru’s waters. Industry experts estimate that if those fleets take about 50,000 tons of squid that would otherwise be landed in Peru, it represents roughly an $85 million annual loss to Peru’s economy.

Such losses trickle down to crew members, seafood vendors, and many others in the local value chain. Likewise, off Argentina, local fishermen have struggled with sharp declines in squid catches. Argentina’s reported squid landings fell from around 400,000 tons per year in the late 20th century to under 100,000 tons in recent years. Argentine captains and industry sources blame this on the massive foreign fleets hovering at the edge of their waters, which may be taking up to 500,000 tons of squid annually near or within Argentina’s EEZ – several times what Argentine fishers catch. The result is an economic blow to Argentina’s fishing sector, loss of jobs, and reduced supply for local markets.


  1. FAO Report on Global Fisheries
  2. World Wildlife Fund – Overfishing and Biodiversity Loss
  3. Oceana Research on Distant-Water Fishing
  4. South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organization (SPRFMO) Reports
  5. United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Data
  6. International Maritime and Fisheries Law Publications
  7. Reports from Environmental NGOs (e.g., Greenpeace, Sea Shepherd)
  8. National Government Reports (Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, USA)
  9. Global Fishing Watch Data on Vessel Activity
  10. U.S. Coast Guard Reports on High Seas Enforcement
  11. Media Investigations (New York Times, The Guardian, BBC)